And they did.
And I laughed myself silly.
I've seen pictures over the last month of other people's kids with Santa and I got kind of sad knowing we wouldn't have a picture like that from this year. Then I saw the day care picture. I'm totally convinced that my liver attacked me so that I wouldn't take Grant to see Santa. He is that kid.
I was informed by Husband that "It's not funny. It looks like they tortured him!" But I thought it was hysterical. Poor Santa.
*Side Note: I want to point out that, although it doesn't seem like it here, I love that they do this stuff at day care. In addition to the above picture of my terrified child they also sent home several Christmas crafts that they helped Grant make for us. My favorite is a reindeer made from his hand prints and a footprint. So so cute. I feel like he's learning a lot from them and this new room that he's moved into is going to be even more fun for him.
Its true, I look at that and think 'poor santa' and 'poor daycare workers', not 'poor Grant'. LOL. Dunno why