Monday, June 20, 2011

Raising the Daycare Bully?

Today Grant started his second full week at his new daycare. He only did a partial week for his first week because of his eye infection which made last week is first Monday-Friday. So far - YAY! - it's going well. The people seem really nice and the set up is so SO much better than his previous daycare. However, Nate was part of a conversation one morning last week about biters (we had to sign a form about children biting). I know it's normal. Little kids bite. But one of the owners of the daycare made the comment that "Grant doesn't have hardly any teeth and he's already a biter". Uh oh. And then, last week and possibly the same day, Nate was there to pick up Grant and he was sitting on the floor crying. Why, you ask? He was trying to steal a little girl's pacifier - OUT OF HER MOUTH! He was crying because she wouldn't let him take it. Are we raising the daycare bully?

Perhaps this is how kids play, I don't know. I didn't do much babysitting as a teenager and I never had much experience with babies/small children before having my own. It's probably not helping that I let Grant wrestle his stuffed animals and, on occasion, me. But it was the biting that really worried me. Obviously not so worried that I couldn't find humor in the situation. I've literally had this song stuck in my head since Nate told me about the biting conversation (and I've been fighting the urge to sing it out loud in the office all day!):

I love Modern Family and I'm totally singing this to Grant tonight!

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